The Creative Muse
is for those who suffer from art or writer's block. Some need a coach
to keep them on task, helping troubleshoot along the way. Others want to
hone their craft, improving their writing skills or drawing style or
developing their story. You select the number of sessions needed to work
through your key obstacles so that your project takes shape or reaches
Unlike a classroom setting with standardized lesson plans, the workshop-style of this package tailors the exercises to your personal needs, giving you the tools and inspiration needed to create great works of art.
Unlike a classroom setting with standardized lesson plans, the workshop-style of this package tailors the exercises to your personal needs, giving you the tools and inspiration needed to create great works of art.

Creative Muse Components: (pick one subject for a three-session intensive workshop)
• Cosplay creation (including patterning, wig work, detailing, props and accessories)
• Honing art skills (including anatomy, perspective,
expression, exploration of style, etc.)
• Honing art skills (including anatomy, perspective,
expression, exploration of style, etc.)
• Honing writing skills (including dialogue and perspective
exercises, writing prompts, tense and tone studies, etc.)
exercises, writing prompts, tense and tone studies, etc.)
• Race building (developing believable species, monsters,
steeds, aliens, ecosystems, etc.)
• Storyboarding (for comics, screenplay, novels)
steeds, aliens, ecosystems, etc.)
• Storyboarding (for comics, screenplay, novels)
• World Building (covering history, politics, magic systems,
cuisine, races, religions, geography, etc.)
cuisine, races, religions, geography, etc.)
