Synopsis: The world is shaped by catastrophes and villains, legends and heroes.
There are moments in history when a cataclysmic shift of fate occurs, when everything hangs in the balance, riding on the acts and deeds of a mighty few.
Long ago, one such moment was foretold through prophecy, and the world placed all of its hope in a single Saviour. But as years stretched by into centuries, that hope faded. The peoples' faith in the old ways eroded until all that remained was legend and myth.
The Legend of the Quill foretold the Saviour would be able to bring The Greatest Mage of All Time back to life. If the Mage could fight for the freedom of the Western Continent they stood a chance of facing an unspeakable evil. Without him, the land would surely be conquered and the people enslaved.
This is the beginning of The Prophet's Tale, the shaping of the Saviour. This is how one boy forever changed the world.
Notes: Book One of The Prophet's Tale trilogy, an Ul-Zaorith novel.
“The epic first tale of a young man overwhelmed by his destiny and a seasoned warrior fighting for the glory of his homeland. Legend of the Quill is a complex and mesmerizing story set in a rich, amazing fantasy world that will entrance readers from start to finish.” --Steve Yerex