Synopsis: Dreamscapes is an autobiographical account of dreaming - collected in
the form of short stories that attempt to recapture the feeling,
cinematography and tone of each dream. Each story is accompanied by full
colour illustrations and notes on the origin of these fantastic
visions. From the grim reality of The Boxers to the hopeful Steampunk
future of Lake of the Ancients, Dreamscapes recounts a diverse
collection of action, fantasy, horror and symbolism.
Notes: Full-colour.
Black Jack Finnegan is a part of the Chronicles of Terrene setting.
TwinGear is a part of a new board/card game hybrid produced by Soulforge Media.
Ul-Zaorith is part of the larger world and works found here.
Notes: Full-colour.
Black Jack Finnegan is a part of the Chronicles of Terrene setting.
TwinGear is a part of a new board/card game hybrid produced by Soulforge Media.
Ul-Zaorith is part of the larger world and works found here.
Dreamscapes are also available as single ebooks: