because we have the patience to focus on our skills for centuries."
~Avendælyn, Empress Korindrihn's Consort
Briandyna is unique in that its entire nation consists only of four
buildings, though each of these houses an entire city. Their peaceful
and intellectually-driven society has produced some of the most powerful
magic users in the history of the world, but their many unique
qualities as a people has made integration with other races difficult.
While historically they have held great animosity against the Koholeans,
in recent generations, this distrust has shifted to the Speritanians
and Lisdanese.
Delicate, physically fragile and the longest
lived of any mortal race, the Briandynians are so steeped in magic, it
has become a requirement for their survival. Their Racial Ability
enables them to manipulate their form to survive in the icy, high
altitudes, and also seals the memories and soul of their people into a
crystalline form in death that is one of the hardest and most magically
potent substances known. Their grace, ethereal artistic sensibilities
and androgynous people have long fascinated the other races in song,
literature and art.